In French, there are four possible accents on the letter e.
The acute accent : é
As in the word fusée
2. The grave accent : è
As in the word flèche
3. The circumflex accent : ê
As in the word tête
4. Dieresis on the e : ë
As in the word Noël
Don't miss this video to learn how to pronounce "French accents e" correctly and avoid making mistakes when using them.
I'll also give you some mnemonic tricks to help you remember which way to write the accent on the e :
é like "une fusée" taking off
è like a falling "flèche"
ê like a hat on your "tête"
The sounds è and ê are pronounced exactly the same.
The letter ë is very rare in French.
- It is found in the words Noël, canoë and some firstnames like Gaël, Azraël, Gwenaël, Ismaël, Israël, Joël, Judicaël, Maëline, Michaël, Nathanaël, Noël, Raphaël or Staël.
- In the words aiguë, exiguë and contiguë the ë is pronounced as a silent e.
He is THE most famous French tutor on the web. He offers an impressive amount of free courses on YouTube.
Some of his videos have over a million views! We see him alone or with his wife Noemi. They explain key points of French grammar and conjugation. They also give advices on how to improve your French speaking skills.
I love it:
– He’s a real French teacher
He has taught French in language schools in Madrid for years. Therefore, he knows the real difficulties of international students and their needs.
– Pierre and Noemi are endearing
This couple gives off something nice and sincere. We want to spend time with them. Then we watch a video and another one,…
And one thing leading to another, we progress.
– He prepares you to take a French language certification
Pierre has helped hundreds of students to review for the DELF/DALF exam and the TCF in official language schools. He has written and corrected many official exercises of this type.
Therefore, he offers several online courses to prepare you to take the Delf/Dalf or TCF exams.
Whatever your level, you will find what you are looking for!
I am currently viewing his courses: Progressive French I and II.
It is a community of learners who want to improve their oral and written French. They are supervised by several native French tutors.
It’s a great success!
The Academy is based on 2 interesting pillars:
A library of exclusive content for members to practice French on their own during their downtime (videos, audios, PDFs, etc.)
private discussion groups to speak French (Skype, Facebook, Telegram, Zoom and a forum)
– 30 jours pour booster ton français
This is the last French course online of Français Authentique, and by far the best!
You will learn a lot about France, its history, culture, gastronomy, tourism, etc.
The idea is to listen (and/or read) French content and repeat over and over again to improve pronunciation, acquire more vocabulary, assimilate good sentence structures, etc.
Finally, a 100% free website to learn French: for French teachers and students who want to learn French at home !
Thanks Vincent !
And there is a lot of content!
Small overview :
– Progressive and self-correcting French courses for beginners and intermediate levels,
– French dictations (audio or video) of vocabulary and grammar,
– Texts (French reading comprehension) with questions and correction,
– French pronunciation lessons and exercises: You repeat the words on the audio tape. For example, for the lesson on ON/AN sounds, you have to repeat: bon/banc, son/sans, fond/faon, etc.
– French dialogues with comprehension questions (and answers),
– Hundreds of French courses explained in video on YouTube.
I love it:
The resources are neatly ordered by level (beginner, intermediate or advanced in French) and EVERYTHING is downloadable as a PDF!
To teach French, she drawsbeautiful infographics(images + groups of words) with a soundtrack for pronunciation.
She wanted to make learning French easy, fun and educational. I agree 100%. The combination of drawing+audio+writing is extremely effective for children and adults alike!
She explains French conjugation, vocabulary, grammar and French expressions.
The lesson is understood at a glance.
The content is often bilingual (English-French). Therefore, she speaks to a foreign learners beginners in French.
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